Post by Gene on Feb 25, 2008 17:56:20 GMT
Wow! 2960! I think I'll exercise my right as a free man and vote again..... Just voted 50 more times....and the counter is up to 2985 AND STREAKING UPWARD....I do believe that I will return and add another 50. Dear Ms. Kiri....my third batch of 50 votes for Hayley is in honor of the noteworthy respect that you have shown for young, rising performers such as Hayley Westenra and your total lack of jealousy of these performers. Keep it up and I shall consider pulling an "all-nighter" in the voting booth..... i.postimg.cc/9fYxy370/smilie-big-grin.gifGene 3000!!!Dear Ms. Kiri: The moral of this story is DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH BAMBI !!! See photography thread, post 1916, for explanation.
Post by postscript on Feb 25, 2008 17:58:19 GMT
There is now even a video that aired on TV3 about this "hot issue". You can view it here. Journalists are discussing their opinion about what Kiri said. Stephany I think this really sums Kiri up in total--total confusion. It now seems no one knows what she actually said and she doesn't think she meant what she said or didn't say what we understood is what she said! On the blog I referred to somewhere recently I said similarly to the post on the NZ radio email (also on this thread). I will just add, the paragraphs that were different. I did attend a concert of Kiri at Cadogan Hall (London) on which I posted on Hayley-Westenra-International.com forum out of interest on another Kiwi, as Hayley has frequently sung in that Concert Hall, the home of the London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. ... Perhaps Kiri truly is so ignorant outside anything where she is not the most important person, that she did not realise that to many people around the world (around 4 million on the basis alone of Hayley's CD sales) Hayley IS the main representative of New Zealand (outside the All Blacks which Hayley assiduously goes out of her way to support). Perhaps small time Kiri thought her remarks were NZ related only. They weren't. Hayley is international and it is that which gave Kiri the world platform from which she now seems anxiuas to disengage herself. Her remarks went round the world while the debate was still raging on NZ radio because Hayley (not Kiri, except in small-time opera circles) is world-renowned! Kiri is only known to a small cognoscenti. The emphasis of her outburst was a Kiwi running down a Kiwi. That is what the rest of the world remembers! That is Kiri's disgrace. Peter S
Post by xcv462 on Feb 25, 2008 18:04:48 GMT
Since I was raised in Chicago,I had no trouble getting my 20 votes in for Hayley
HWI Admin
Posts: 7,700
Post by Dave on Feb 25, 2008 18:11:49 GMT
But we shouldn't really be having a long discussion in our rather public forum about how much we have managed (if indeed we have) to wildly circumvent the admittedly feeble security of an Internet poll. Dame Kiri didn't set that up or ask that particular question, it's just 'NZ Stuff' having their usual bit of fun. What we do in the privacy of our own homes or Internet cafes is, of course, entirely our own business but I wouldn't wish to go on record as encouraging that sort of thing. Dave
Post by Gene on Feb 25, 2008 18:12:08 GMT
Well, I just voted about 70 times in support of Hayley, and the counter only went up from 2950 to 2954. Gene Hi Gene, I don't think we want this vote to take over the thread (it's good fun but in reality, it's meaningless as the vote is wide open to severe manipulation) however, if you voted 70 times and the counter went up by 4 in that time, I think it's safe to say your "votes" were not counted.Cheers, Dave OK, Dave....I'll ease off. But you're right, it sure is fun...... Regards, Gene
Post by thomas on Feb 25, 2008 18:15:00 GMT
Just voted 50 more times....and the counter is up to 2985 AND STREAKING UPWARD....I do believe that I will return and add another 50. Dear Ms. Kiri....my third batch of 50 votes for Hayley is in honor of the noteworthy respect that you have shown for young, rising performers such as Hayley Westenra and your total lack of jealousy of these performers. Keep it up and I shall consider pulling an "all-nighter" in the voting booth..... i.postimg.cc/9fYxy370/smilie-big-grin.gifGene Hi Gene! Hey, that's cool! I've voted about 50 times as well! It's not much but hey ... I had the "honour" to place the 3000th vote. You just have to clear your internet history before voting again. That goes extremely quick with the browser "Opera". Hayley might win over Kiri due to "Opera", haha how cool is that? i.postimg.cc/9fYxy370/smilie-big-grin.gif i.postimg.cc/9fYxy370/smilie-big-grin.gif i.postimg.cc/9fYxy370/smilie-big-grin.gifWho says cheating is unfair? Yes, it truly is! But saying this nonesense about Hayley what Kiri did is even worse. Thomas
Post by grant on Feb 25, 2008 19:01:49 GMT
I think this really sums Kiri up in total--total confusion. It now seems no one knows what she actually said and she doesn't think she meant what she said or didn't say what we understood is what she said! Perhaps Kiri truly is so ignorant outside anything where she is not the most important person, that she did not realise that to many people around the world (around 4 million on the basis alone of Hayley's CD sales) Hayley IS the main representative of New Zealand (outside the All Blacks which Hayley assiduously goes out of her way to support). Perhaps small time Kiri thought her remarks were NZ related only. They weren't. Hayley is international and it is that which gave Kiri the world platform from which she now seems anxiuas to disengage herself. Her remarks went round the world while the debate was still raging on NZ radio because Hayley (not Kiri, except in small-time opera circles) is world-renowned! Kiri is only known to a small cognoscenti. The emphasis of her outburst was a Kiwi running down a Kiwi. That is what the rest of the world remembers! That is Kiri's disgrace. Very well put Peter!! THAT was the response I was anticipating from you and it says it all in my book!! Best wishes Grant
Post by spiderman on Feb 25, 2008 19:21:12 GMT
hi all,
first, excuse me for not posting for about 2 years... i blinked. doesnt time fly?
i had a thought yesterday about the kiri issue.... maybe its not about hayley ... hayley being taught by dame malvina, i thought kiris comments might be a reference to rivalry between her and malvina.
everyone i know, including non hayley fans, thinks it was mean and uncalled for. its just a sad attemtp to get attention
still me.
Post by postscript on Feb 25, 2008 19:29:13 GMT
Your post 101, MIlewalker: Most people dont listen to opera now for exactly the same reasons they stopped listening to gregorian chant when polyphonic music came around. The conservative reaction was also very similar. The first thing which happened in that instance was that the pope banned it in churches. This didnt work because it simply had the effect of driving it into the streets instead. Go foreward just two generations, and polyphonic music had largely replaced chant everywhere. (The pace of change is much faster now of course.) That reminds me of a quote from William Booth (had to go through a list of gin's to remember that as my preference is Gordon's! ), founder of the Salvation Army. He was criticised by stuffy clergy that he was debasing Chrisitanity to which criticism he replied, 'Why should the Devil have all the best tunes!' For outside UK members, Booth was a member of the family which owned Booth's distillery and that is why he led a campaign for abstinence from alcohol. Hogarth, the engraver worked from a different angle showing scenes of the social dissolution caused by excessive drinking. Peter S.
Post by stevemacdonald on Feb 25, 2008 19:29:40 GMT
While I'd gladly throw a pie in Dame Kiri's face if the opportunity presented itself, there's really no point in judging her tactlessnes or confusion.
I think Elizabeth Marvelly's remark sums it up best: "A lot of opera singers don't like popera."
Dame Kiri's distaste for popera is shared by all opera singers. She was just caught running her mouth about it. Forget the fellow-Kiwi betrayal angle. Forget the jealousy thing. It's not about that.
The battle lines have been drawn. Popera took a direct hit in the first shot fired. In response, we -- the fans of Hayley and her ilk -- have rallied and hurled our own brand of invective back. Hayley may wisely stay out of the fray, but her cause is nonetheless abetted by our militance.
The Stuff NZ poll is really about the proxies: fans of popera versus fans of opera. It will be a long, protracted fight.
Post by grant on Feb 25, 2008 19:38:59 GMT
maybe its not about hayley ... hayley being taught by dame malvina, i thought kiris comments might be a reference to rivalry between her and malvina. Interesting point Spiderman! Don't think any of us had considered that angle. Best wishes Grant
Post by postscript on Feb 25, 2008 19:48:32 GMT
The broadband video connection from NZ (to the UK anyway) is very slow with lots of buffering at the moment so I have extracted converted and uploaded the two minutes devoted to Kiri and Hayley - here it is:
TV3 All Stars: Mike Hutcheson and Hayley McLarin (not perfect but it'll do )
Cheers, Dave I thought you did extremely well.Thank you Dave. Interesting how realisation as to how this might reflect on New Zealand came out in that discussion. That I think is where Kiri has done most damage. One didn't think Kiwis behaved like this and I have become very kiwi-orientated as a direct result of Hayley and her family. Charm, delight and bluntly old-fashioned 1950s England is what comes over: politeness and basic respect for others is what NZ means to me--or did! I really don't think Kiri realised for a moment this would go round the world. She is so self-centred she genuinely overlooked the fact that Hayley is international and immediately her name is involved the matter becomes global. Kiri thought it was just a 'throwaway remark' within NZ. To take the other interpretation that it was a deliberate ploy to gain round the world attention on the back of Hayley's name, bluntly I think the woman is just too stupid to work that one out! If it came from her professional advisers than they certainly are at The Sun tabloiud level if the Dasme herself likes to perceive herself as broadsheet material! Peter S.
Post by roger on Feb 25, 2008 21:32:08 GMT
Dame Kiri's distaste for popera is shared by all opera singers. She was just caught running her mouth about it. Forget the fellow-Kiwi betrayal angle. Forget the jealousy thing. It's not about that. If Dame Kiri's comments were based on nothing more than her distaste for popera, why did she single out Hayley? The fact that she did, suggests that it is about fellow-Kiwi betrayal and jealousy. I really don't think Kiri realised for a moment this would go round the world. She has been in the business for 40+ years so she should have known. Roger
Post by timj on Feb 25, 2008 22:39:40 GMT
voting in Sydney......TimJ
Post by gra7890 on Feb 25, 2008 23:16:06 GMT
Hi Everyone, I have just returned from a few days in Jersey (some photo's to follow ) . I Have found that I have 483 post to catch up on, including all 162 in this thread since I went away. I have made a few replies to other posts but I will take a bit longer to reflect on this major story before entering the debate !