Hello everyone, A new article about Hayley has surfaced in the Australian press so here it is. Best wishes, Stephany
Westenra's riding high on international career
By Karina Dunger 2 May 2007 Sydney MX Copyright 2007 News Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Classical Kiwi songbird Hayley Westenra was apprehensive about becoming UNICEF's youngest ambassador.
But the 20-year-old has proved she can balance her singing career and being more than "just a face" for UNICEF. Her latest campaign provided 6000 bikes to help young Ghanaian girls attend school.
"I met girls who had been given bikes and I could see how much it meant to them.
"We wanted to borrow one just for a photo and they wouldn't let them go they were really reluctant," she said.
After selling three million records so far, Westenra said her third album, Celtic Treasure (Universal Music), was her most personal.
"It is inspired by my nanna. I really wanted to . . . explore my Celtic history," she said.