Post by Libby on Aug 19, 2020 22:17:42 GMT
Yes, and I heard a bird singing, too. I think it was another bird singing, though, because that one was busy preening! The bird song I heard reminded me of the house finch's song, but I doubt that they are in New Zealand. Any New Zealand birdwatchers here who know? LOL I have been a birdwatcher for over 20 years. Lately I've been having my binoculars handy every time I eat at the table, because there have been birds frequenting the bird bath at a very high rate lately. Mostly chestnut-backed chickadees, black-capped chickadees, red-breasted nuthatches (yes, that's what they're called, and is pronounced just like it looks), and of course, the occasional house finch. A funny story about a house finch a month or 2 back: I saw a hummingbird at the red rosebush. Then I saw there was a male house finch perched in it. They have pinkish red on their faces and chest. Hummingbirds are known to be attracted to red. Yes, the hummingbird was hovering around the house finch! And this is still on topic because Hayley posted about birds, and the bird song reminded me of a house finch.
Post by martindn on Aug 20, 2020 10:29:48 GMT
I submitted that song to the BirdNET app on my phone. It says it is almost certainly a dunnock! The Dunnock is a European and Asian bird which has been successfully introduced into New Zealand.
Post by Libby on Aug 20, 2020 20:58:43 GMT
Neat, thanks, Martin! I might need to get that, although I imagine it would be a little difficult to use for live birds, because they don't always perform on cue! LOL Interesting how European species were purposely introduced! Did you know that America purposely introduced the European Starling just because it is mentioned in one of Shakespeare's works? This same bird (and Shakespeare) enthusiast was previously responsible for introducing the house sparrow to kill off a major insect pest in New York. Unfortunately, they became a major pest themselves, later being referred to by the Department of Agriculture as "one of the worst of feathered pests". An article on the topic is here: timeline.com/sparrows-invasive-species-america-9546e6a9e57eNow, back to the main topic, and yet more birds included, here's Hayley's latest story (via the ever invaluable Korean fan): https://www.instagram.com/p/CEHdvuol1vx
Supporting Hayley since 2003!
Posts: 6,715
Post by Joe on Aug 20, 2020 22:33:38 GMT
Another story in from Hayley! I might go back to the Instagram website; getting new story notifications from the app is so unreliable. EDIT...now a new IG post! https://www.instagram.com/p/CEIRjZzlRLC
Post by Ross on Aug 21, 2020 2:50:22 GMT
That was Lyttleton Harbour and the other two posts were at Riccarton House and Bush.
Supporting Hayley since 2003!
Posts: 6,715
Post by Joe on Aug 21, 2020 13:46:10 GMT
HWI Admin
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Post by Dave on Aug 21, 2020 14:03:15 GMT
Well I never did! Very nice, and who knew about all that guitar self-accompaniment?
Post by Ross on Aug 21, 2020 18:51:23 GMT
Loved it
Post by crissyt on Aug 21, 2020 21:16:57 GMT
Back from hols. "Vacation" as Joe rightly points out.
I was fascinated to see that not just an Instagram war, but a full-on intercontinental Instagram nuclear conflict had broken out whist I was on my tour of inspection of northern Europe.
On the basis of post numbers, H wins.
On the basis of post quality, I think CG has it by a short head (horse racing term for a close win).
Sadly, the plethora of post from H mostly seem to have been a dreary procession of coffee, crystals, and chunky knitwear, with the odd tree thrown in for good measure. In summary, largely content free. At least CG's post have some musical content which suggest he's doing something in that area of endeavour at least.
Then suddenly a three minute guitar and vocal session of "Jolene". An accomplished performance of a melancholy song delivered with a melancholy air, aided by the "sepiavision" video. Am I imagining it, or do I detect a subliminal message here? Jolene = Mackandgold (MACK or Mackenzie Graham), perhaps?
Post by Libby on Aug 22, 2020 0:32:15 GMT
Crissy, you're forgetting the midnight piano stories, although you've had a lot of catching up to do, so I'll give you a pass on that. However, I disagree that Hayley's posts are dreary. We complain when she posts nothing, and when she posts things nearly every day, that's still not good enough? I mean, a while back I admit I was dissatisfied with anything that wasn't album-related. But now that I know that she's taking a hiatus on that, and seems to have a good reason for it, now I am just happy to see any post from Hayley. Okay, sure, maybe a tree isn't the most exciting thing ever, and I definitely can't say I get a thrill out of her crystal obsession. But seriously... her day-to-day life isn't any more exciting than any of ours at the moment. That's why I don't post every day, but then, I am not a celebrity, and have no reason to. Hayley is, and now she seems to have finally realized it might be a positive thing for her to post more. And, as mentioned, she DID post music. The short piano session was miraculous enough, in my mind, but now this FULL song was just mind-blowing, coming from Hayley. The other person only posts music because he's still actively doing it for a living, however the quality of these music posts does NOT compare to Hayley's. A few twiddles on a sound switchboard or whatever it's called again, hardly counts as music in my mind. A piano playing session with Andy Baldwin playing violin without a shirt was most certainly not attractive (although you likely didn't see that one). But yeah, quantity over quality doesn't fly, imo. Honestly, my opinion of him has taken a major nose-dive in recent weeks, and I am likely going to do some unfollowing of my own. And while I tend to agree with you on the last part of your post, as her expression at the end of the video was a bit telling, and because I've seen these things to which you are referring, I do question the appropriateness of discussing it on the open forum. Oh, and umm, just for the record, they are no longer following each other, so the whole "instagram war" thing seems to be completely invalid, and quite frankly, is not a positive way to talk about Hayley. We don't need to be [publicly] analyzing anything regarding her relationship or lack thereof, with him. So, unless it directly relates to Hayley, can we maybe go easy on discussing people that Hayley has disassociated herself with for reasons that are not our business? Juuussst a thought.
Supporting Hayley since 2003!
Posts: 6,715
Post by Joe on Aug 22, 2020 1:36:10 GMT
Edit...two new stories in! The second one is a video with a lovely screenshot... And welcome back Crissy! Chris McFarland and Hayley are not seeing each other’s Instagram posts, so there is no point in comparing either quality or quantity of their posts. Unless Chris has some sort of credit in any new music from Hayley, or indeed if Hayley should say something about him, Chris is no longer relevant.
Post by martindn on Aug 22, 2020 9:28:32 GMT
Very good. I see her guitar playing is coming along nicely! It's a song we have heard her do before of course, but this version is different.
Post by Libby on Aug 22, 2020 22:31:32 GMT
I noticed she changed her profile photo again. Going back to our instagram discussion, Joe, I don't actually get any notifications for instagram. Or at least not what they call "badge" notifications. I just check it a few times a day, and usually if Hayley has posted, it will be the first one I see next to my own circle. It used to be also, that when she posted to her actual page, it would be the first one to show up on my timeline. However, ever since I did the last update, and probably because she wasn't posting much for a while, it seemed to have decided that other people I follow are the ones I should see first. I do prefer to see Hayley's first if she has a new post, but it's usually not far below, so it's not a terrible thing. I think her video showed up below Hauser's for me yesterday. I watched Hayley's first, though. I finally posted my own story yesterday from my recent Mt. Rainier excursion, and I finally got the answer to my question. The notification was where I thought it would be, and it showed (separately) reactions from two people, both heart eyes, and when I clicked on it, it showed me my story and the heart eyes explosion! LOL Not only that, I saw that one of the people had reacted to ALL of my other previous stories (which weren't many), but I just hadn't known where to look, and assumed nobody even saw it! LOL Also, I clicked on my circle, and it then showed me that 10 people had seen it, and I could click and see who they were. I'm sure Hayley wouldn't bother to look at that, as there would be thousands of views. Probably thousands of reactions as well! LOL Well, now I know!
Supporting Hayley since 2003!
Posts: 6,715
Post by Joe on Aug 23, 2020 5:29:39 GMT
Another beautiful post from Hayley! https://www.instagram.com/p/CEOFdGBlPqR I saw that notification instantly (it appeared for a few seconds at the top of my iPad screen). If i missed it, it likely would have been buried under other app notifications from my hurricane tracker and other apps when I turn on my iPad in the morning! EDIT...a new story from Hayley during my overnight...featuring Bowie!
Post by Libby on Aug 24, 2020 2:37:59 GMT
Since I've only had a smartphone for just over 2 years (only gave in to buying one when I was planning a trip to London), I would check all Hayley's social media pages on a PC, via bookmarks directly to Hayley's pages. I still use them about once a day... on instagram, to check her following list, since it's easier there; the Facebook one not as much, as I know she rarely posts there; and although she posts to twitter even less, I log in there nearly every day for the Hayleysforum account. For a long while there, I was only doing so to see any fan posts about her. Those had begun to be few and far between, so I was maybe logging in there every other day. Now that there are more instagram posts, I do it to retweet the Taiwan or Korean fan page's tweets about them, or to retweet my own tweets of Hayley's story videos.